Doing Nothing is Not An Option in Life

Gates Of The City Outreach;

Is a spiritual and humanitarian outreach, our primary objective is spreading Love, Hope and the Gospel of Christ to all humanity.

Our Vision

To establish and provide integrated community-based services that strengthen disadvantaged families, less privileged individuals, to give them a supportive hand to enable them to fulfil their God-given potentials.

0ur Mission

To direct as many souls as possible to Christ, To increase our provisional capacity to the well-being and empowerment of the weak, less privileged and discouraged souls.

Who we are

Our Aims

Our Aim At Gates Of The City Outreach Is to impact lives and make positive changes in our communities.

Our Approach

Lending a helping hand to the needy in disadvantaged communities, empowering them spiritually.

Our Value

Integrity, transparency, accountability, commitment to the beneficiaries efficiency, and sprituality

Be a volunteer

We believe all people are created in the image of God, blessed with unique talents and desires that they can contribute to make our world a better place. Do you know that God has called us to be his co-labourers?

Our latest events